I can’t believe we are in November and if you’re anything like me you can almost smell the turkey and homemade pumpkin pie as you prepare to gather with family and friends for Thanksgiving. But if I’m honest, November is also a reminder to live a life of gratitude not grumble. It’s so easy to live in the land of grumble, and it happens so quickly, right? The driver cut you off, you burned the beautiful dinner, your husband left his dirty shirt on the floor again when the hamper is right in the closet. I mean, really? And then I hear myself grumbling, take a step back and remember how truly thankful I am.
I love this quote by Melody Beattie. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more…It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
You see, what I am learning is gratitude shifts the focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. It’s a perspective change.
I want to challenge you to join me in the month of November to speak out three things you are thankful for daily. In addition, send a card, text or pick up the phone and tell one person daily how thankful you are for them. And overtime your mindset and perspective will shift to a heart of gratitude that will be carried out all year long!
Thankful for you!
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